Looking for TMJ Treatment in Ridgewood New Jersey?
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Get TMJ and Jaw Pain Relief
The temporomandibular joint is a complex system and many people have signs and/or symptoms of a temporomandibular disorder. There are numerous signs that you may be experiencing acute or chronic issues with your TMJ. This join is supported by many ligaments, nerves and muscles. When there is inflammation in or around this system a patient may experience one or more of the following signs or symptoms:
Pain in the joint near or around the ear or molar teeth
Muscular soreness around the cheek, temporal region, or neck pain
Temporal headaches or tension headaches
Clicking, popping or creaking of the joint
Wear on the teeth, craze lines (internal stress fractures), fractures or chipping of teeth
Joint which feels stuck or locks open or closed
Poor sleeping patterns
Are you experiencing any of the above? If so call West Ridgewood Dental Professionals today to relieve your TMJ issues today.
Interested in learning more about TMJ Pain Relief? Call 201-652-8875 to request a consultation.